Welcome to Terranova, enjoy the journey!
Terranova was founded in 2008 by Stephen Terrass MRNT, the former Technical Director of one of Europe’s largest supplement companies. Currently comprising more than 140 nutritional and botanical products, Terranova is one of only a very small number of nutritional supplement companies worldwide which does not use any fillers, binders or other manufacturing additives – and one of even fewer brands where 100% of the products are suitable for both vegetarians and vegans. The primary goal of Terranova’s formulation concept is to achieve the maximum possible effectiveness, versatility, purity, gentleness, balance and, above all, safety – by avoiding ingredients that we feel don’t belong in supplements (such as additives); by favouring whole plant ingredients over pharmaceutical extracts; by avoiding excessive potencies; and by intensifying the synergistic environment in the body for vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, etc. Terranova’s unique approach to nutritional and botanical supplementation developed partly from Stephen’s concerns about the misguided ‘reductionist’ pharmaceutical mentality that has dominated much of the supplement industry since soon after his career began 39 years ago. Although he once shared that mentality, Stephen eventually realized that the ‘pharmaceuticalization’ of the supplement industry was fundamentally flawed. He knew that a radical shift away from the way the industry typically formulates and manufactures products would be needed in order to achieve his goal of developing products which met his own personal standards. The award-winning Terranova brand is the result of this shift.